• Universiti Malaya Community Engagement Centre (UMCares)
  • umcares@um.edu.my
  • 03-79677357

Universiti Malaya Community Engagement Centre


In the quest for a brighter, greener future, one school at a time, we embarked on an exciting journey to identify the pioneers ready to embrace the power of energy consciousness. With a touch of creativity and a dash of determination, we set out to find the schools that would become the driving force behind this sustainability revolution.​​​​​

  1. Seeking the Trailblazers: Finding the Perfect Fit
    • Like detectives on a mission, we meticulously scoured the educational landscape, seeking schools that shared our passion for sustainability. Through a careful selection process, we approached these educational institutions, eager to unlock their hidden potential and fuel their desire to make a lasting impact. The excitement was palpable as we awaited their response, hopeful for a match made in energy-saving heaven.
  2. A Meeting of Minds: Dialogue and Collaboration
    • With each interested school that joined our cause, a whole new world of possibilities unfolded. It was time to roll up our sleeves and engage in two-way discussions that would shape the journey ahead. The exchanges were electric, as ideas sparked, and visions aligned. Together, we harnessed the collective energy and expertise to design and implement activities that would make a tangible difference.

Within the hallowed halls of these schools, conversations echoed, as teachers, students, and staff came together to explore the potential for change. These discussions transcended mere words; they were the building blocks of a sustainable future. In this collaborative space, we brainstormed, innovated, and dared to dream, weaving a tapestry of ideas that would revolutionize energy consumption within the school community. From interactive workshops that transformed classrooms into energy-saving laboratories to vibrant assemblies that ignited a sense of responsibility, we co-created an action plan that resonated with every individual involved. No stone was left unturned as we sought to infuse every aspect of school life with the spirit of sustainability.

As the project gained momentum, excitement radiated through the hallways, and a palpable buzz permeated the air. Students became the architects of their own future, while teachers served as mentors, nurturing a generation of eco-warriors. The shared commitment to preserving our planet united these schools, forming an unbreakable bond that transcended physical boundaries. Together, we launched an array of activities that captured the imagination of the entire school community. From energy-saving challenges that turned daily routines into conscious choices to sustainability fairs that celebrated the power of collective action, each event added a new chapter to the evolving story of energy consciousness.

As we reflect on the journey thus far, we are filled with a sense of pride and anticipation. The schools that opened their doors to this sustainable revolution have become beacons of inspiration, igniting a spark of change that will ripple far beyond their walls. Their courage to embrace energy consciousness serves as a clarion call to other educational institutions, urging them to join this movement and create a future where sustainability is not just a dream, but a way of life. The path ahead is promising, filled with countless opportunities to engage, inspire, and empower. With each school that joins our ranks, we come closer to a world where energy-saving culture permeates every corner. Together, we will continue to unleash the power of energy-conscious schools, awakening a spirit of sustainability that will shape the future we leave for generations to come.


Project information

Project Execution: 8 months
Location : 
Target Community: Schools students and teachers
Numbers of Community benifited: 625 students and teachers

Feedback from Communities​​​

  • They were inspired on culturing the energy saving
  • They understand and know how to reduce energy consumption not only in their schools but also at home.

Impact of the Project

  1. Empowering Individuals: Within the school community, the project empowers individuals to become agents of change.
  2. Students, teachers, and staff members alike develop a deep understanding of energy conservation and sustainability.
  3. Environmental Impact: The cumulative effect of energy-conscious practices within the school community translates into a significant environmental impact.
  4. By reducing energy consumption, the project helps decrease greenhouse gas emissions, mitigating the impact of climate change.
  5. Long-term Sustainability: By focusing on occupant behavior and fostering an energy-saving culture, the project establishes a foundation for long-term sustainability.

Last Update: 17/07/2023