Universiti Malaya Community Engagement Centre
The importance of providing technical and vocational education and training (TVET) graduates for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0) in the Malaysian education system requires changes in teaching and learning methods among teachers. The purpose of implementing the Pedagogy and Curriculum of the 21st Century (Ped-KA-21) module in TVET is to enhance pedagogical knowledge and skills by optimizing the use of technology. A total of 74 teachers from Sungai Buloh Vocational College, Selangor, participated in the implementation of the Ped-KA-21 module, consisting of Blended Learning in TVET, 21st Century Pedagogy, and Technical Communication Through TVET Curriculum. Each topic was implemented using blended teaming and hands-on active teaming methods in workshops. The impact of the study was measured using interview methods with nine participants. The results of the interviews showed that participants agreed that the implementation of this project provided opportunities for teachers to deepen their knowledge of technology and interactive teaching, thereby engaging students' interest. The teaching techniques revealed to participants were highly practical with innovative ideas in teaching. Additionally, almost all interviewed participants had implemented techniques such as making videos, online quizzes, and interactive media in their respective classrooms. The positive impact of this project can be seen in fostering teachers' skills to implement 21st-century teaching through the exchange of ideas, knowledge, and application of digital technology skills. The implementation of the Ped-KA-21 module has the potential to enhance the sustainability of TVET students in 21st-century learning, aligning with the aspirations of the country's TVET education.
Project information
Project Execution: 12 Months
Location: Kolej Vokasional Sg. Buloh
Target Community: Teachers and administrative
Number of Community benifited: 74 communities
Outcome of the Project
Teachers optimize the use of technology in the classroom.
Teachers assist in enhancing students' technical communication skills.
The knowledge and 21st-century skills of TVET teachers can be enhanced.
The skills of teachers in 21st-century pedagogy can be enhanced.
Impact of the Project
Last Update: 05/03/2024