• Universiti Malaya Community Engagement Centre (UMCares)
  • umcares@um.edu.my
  • 03-79677357

Universiti Malaya Community Engagement Centre (UMCares)

Implementation of Community Skills Based Curriculum Modules Local for Non-Malaysian Children Without Identification Document in Sabah

The Local Community Skills Based Curriculum Module (3KS) provides emphasis on three main components namely handicraft skills, art skills traditions as well as entrepreneurial skills towards fostering harmony “Love Negara Malaysia” and beyond to meet the educational needs of children not a Malaysian citizen without an identity document at the Learning Centre Alternative (PPA), Sabah under the auspices of the National Security Council branch Sabah. This 3KS module has been developed with the basic principles of Cultural and Natural Responsive Approach. PPA Kampung Numbak, and PPA Kg Telipok, Kota Kinabalu has been selected for project implementation. There were 306 children and 6 people teachers at PPA Numbak and 289 children and 4 teachers at PPA Telipok.

The Local Community Skills Based Curriculum Module (3KS) provides emphasis on three main components namely handicraft skills, art skills traditions as well as entrepreneurial skills towards fostering harmony “Love Negara Malaysia” and beyond to meet the educational needs of children not a Malaysian citizen without an identity document at the Learning Centre Alternative (PPA), Sabah under the auspices of the National Security Council branch Sabah. This 3KS module has been developed with the basic principles of Cultural and Natural Responsive Approach. PPA Kampung Numbak, and PPA Kg Telipok, Kota Kinabalu has been selected for project implementation. There were 306 children and 6 people teachers at PPA Numbak and 289 children and 4 teachers at PPA Telipok. This PPA provides access to basic education to non-citizen children Malaysia without identity documents in Sabah. Most children in this PPA are Bajau Ubian (55.2%), Suluk (24%), Kagayan (18.4%) and other ethnicities such as Pelaou (2.4%). Teachers at this PPA do not get exposure or formal teacher training as well as not having a school qualification certificate. Module this is the basic introduction of community skills through education for allows children to acquire basic handicraft-based skills community bilingualism (mengkuang weaving, baskets, and bags) and the art of Igal-Igal dance which aims to create ‘Social Enterprise’ in the community. Implementation this activity can control the nurturing of the original sentiments of the aggrieved immigrant’s National security. Direct effects of post war crisis & crisis phenomenon migration such as identity issues, oppression, political propaganda, and child trafficking. This is because of ‘Anti -National Sentiment’ in among children who are not Malaysian citizens without identity documents has created negative impacts such as security threats, intimidation, robbery, courts, and criminal activities. Thus, basic education through curriculum this community was able to balance the spread of anti -national sentiment within among children and the local community. Next, ensure harmony and the spirit of love for the country of Malaysia is instilled in the children Malaysian citizen without identification documents.

Project information

Project Execution: 6 months
Location: Kampung Numbak & Kampung Sri Telipok, Sabah 

Contributions from industries: RM 11,500
Numbers of Community benifited: 1326 people

Output of the project

“Perjalanan: Citra Kanak‐kanak Bukan Warga Negara Malaysia Tanpa Dokumen Pengenalan Diri” Book

(ISBN: 978‐983‐9662‐31‐3)


Future Enhancement

  1. The implementation of this project has the full support of the local community, the NSC, IPG Kent Campus as well as several academics at UM. It is seen as a key element in the UM ‐ community network.

  2. Certificates of appreciation as well as letters of appreciation were given by the top stakeholder’s excellence in the implementation of this project. In addition, the researcher is still in touch and asking PPA Numbak and PPA Telipok continue to supply Mengkuang Bookmarks and Baskets mengkuang to be marketed online. This is because there is still a demand for this product.

  3. The implementation of this module is also proposed to be improved and even made into a curriculum schooling at PPA to ensure that PPA children are exposed to traditional arts as well community handicrafts so as not to be lost in time.​​​​

Last Update: 07/06/2022