• Welcome to Universiti Malaya Community Engagement Centre (UMCares)
  • umcares@um.edu.my
  • 03-79677357

Universiti Malaya Community Engagement Centre (UMCares)


I-Tanggang will also be receiving support and partnership from UMCares, the Community and Sustainability Center under the auspices of the University Malaya, to highlight the social issues covered in the series. Through this partnership, Universiti Malaya will bring psychiatrists onto Astro platforms such as social media, TV talk shows as well as special editorial and radio columns to provide awareness on mental health. The partnership between Astro and UM also emphasises the importance of the role of both parties in highlighting mental health and family issues that are increasingly prevalent during this pandemic.  

“In Malaysia the latest National Health Morbidity Survey conducted in 2016 by the Ministry of Health revealed that close to 30 percent of people have mental health problems these people, his people would have mental health disturbances such as depression, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, psychotic experiences, addiction, morbid mood swings and many more among adults and also among children and adolescents.


+603 7841 4000

Apa itu “Dysfuntional Family”? Jom dengarkan penjelasan daripada pakar psikiatri, Dr Aida Syarinaz Ahmad Adlan dari Fakulti Perubatan Universiti Malaya tentang masalah ini.


Kenali dengan lebih dekat apa itu “Munchausen Syndrome By-Proxy” daripada pakar psikiatri Universiti Malaya. Contoh jelas yang korang boleh tengok ialah watak Erma dalam #ITanggang .

"Penyakit yang sangat rare”

Jom kenali apa itu “Munchausen Syndrome By Proxy” daripada pakar Psikiatri tentang penyakit ini.
